You can use the "Select Recipients" window to create a subset of recipients in the current Address Book group or imported text file to which the mail message will be delivered. Click on the checkboxes in the "Send?" column to specify whether that person should be included in the mailing or not, i.e. "flagged" or not. Another method of flagging and unflagging is to drag with the mouse, or shift-, or command-click to select multiple people at once. Then you can use a contextual menu, as shown above, to check or uncheck all those selected.
Drag selecting: To drag select start the mouse drag off the name or address of a person, i.e. start it in white area of the row. Otherwise only the person clicked on will be selected.
Control clicking: On the other hand, when you control click to bring up the contextual menu,
click on the name or address and not in the white area or else the selection will change to the
one row you click on.
Finally the "Select Task..." popup contains a variety of functions for managing the selection, flagging recipients, checking for duplicate email addresses, verifying email addresses, etc.
Flag All: Put a check mark in the "Send?" column of all recipients (i.e. "flag" them.)
Flag None: Remove the checkmark from the "Send?" column of all recipients.
Flag Selected: Put a checkmark in the "Send?" column of all selected recipients.
Unflag Selected: Remove the checkmark from the "Send?" column of all selected recipients.
Unflag Blacklist: Remove the checkmark from the "Send?" column of all blacklisted recipients.
Invert Flags: Toggle the flags
Select All: Select every recipient.
Select None: Deselect all recipients.
Invert Selection: Toggle the current selection.
Delete Selected: Delete all selected recipients.
Export Flagged: Export "flagged" recipients to a tab delimited text file.
Export All: Export all recipients to a tab delimited text file.
Export Selected: Export selected recipients to a tab delimited text file.
Check for Duplicates: Select all recipients which have duplicate email addresses.
Verify Email Addresses: Select all recipients which have invalid (bad syntax) email addresses.
Unflag from Report log: Remove the checkmark from the "Send?" column of all recipients whose email matches an address in a selected Report Log with no error. You will be prompted to select the report log file to process.